Energy One Clutch Pack oil recommendation

Matt Wech

Hi there,
I have an ‘07 Mastiff and I am in the process of replacing my clutch pack and pressure plate with an Energy One 9 plate setup. It appears that on the forums, everyone is recommending a non-synthetic 20-50 weight, but on the card from Energy One, they state to use ATM Type F, 10-30, or a B&M Trick Shift. This is for the “pre-soak” but then they go on to say, use the same oil you plan to use for the primary that you pre-soaked it in. So this leaves me a little confused.
any guidance here would be very appreciated!
Thank you


Active Member

Matt Wech

Appreciate the replies here, gents. Curious why there is so much variation from 10-30 to 20-50. I’m guessing ATF at a 10-30 weight has different properties than a regular motor oil. Im no expert here, just want to protect my internals :)
Appreciate you all for taking the time to respond

Matt Wech

Primary assembly looks to be in great health, fluid looks like chocolate milk, though. Almost zero metal shavings. I used a magnet and rolled it through the pan and it hardly picked anything up. Magnet on the drain plug was almost with zero metal shavings as well. So that’s good…. I also noticed some rubbing on the inside of the primary cover where the pressure plate bolt heads have been rubbing ever so slightly, a bit concerning there….This is a new-to-me bike so I’m still in the process of getting to know her.


Matt Wech

So I ordered the 9 plate thinking my plates were worn, upon inspection, it already has the 9 plates and they appear to be in good shape with little wear. Clutch is slipping in 3rd on up under torque. Sooooo, maybe the culprit is either the fluid or the pressure plate. She looks somewhat worn and I do have the upgraded plate ready to go, so hopefully that was the cause of the slipping


Matt Wech

I’m just blown away by all of the support here, fellas. Tip of the hat to you all. I will certainly keep you all posted. Going to be a while, had to order a new primary case seal and the weather is crap here, but I will certainly let you all know how it turns out.
Thank you!