06 Chopper Thermometer

My 06 Chopper has become a 117 CU thermometer. If temperature is above 50 degrees it starts. Below 50 it wont.
I turn key and wait for speedo to do its thing. Then push run button. Then push start. Starter engages and motor turns a few degrees before starter stops and turn signals start flashing.
Battery less than a year old, reads 12.8 volts and is kept on a tender.
EHC was upgraded @ factory in 2008.
I can go get a new battery but wanted to see if there is another issue causing this.


If my memory is working the EHC starts flashing the turn signals when the battery drops below a certain level. If you have other bikes available try a different battery.

If that does not work try heating the EHC with a hair dryer or something similar to see if it starts.
Sounds like battery. Take the battery out and get it load tested. The new battery needs to be at least 280cca


Well-Known Member
My wife's 09 Coyote is stubborn sob too; factory battery wouldn't turn it over and the new Big Boar 350-074 seems to always be right on the edge of cranking it over or not.....:bang:
Both Big Boar's work fine in the K9; lucky for me, cop cars seem to jump the Coyote over without issue.....:D


Well-Known Member
Cold batteries don't crank well. Make sure your compression releases are working. To test them just unplug the little green blade connector from your starter, and try to start it. You should hear them click. If you can get the bike to turn over, but it won't start, give a little shot of starter fluid in the air cleaner. Guys say not to do this, but I've been doing it for years on all kinds of bikes with no ill effects.