BD Harness

Energy One


Banjo Playing PsychoBilly
Mickee-Good man.

Moesterman-If for some odd ball reason you have two green coming off the main harness for the 8 pin, you can do a check on them using a multi meter and trace them back to the PDM side. Mickee was great to provided some of the schematic, but if you look and follow out the wire from 8 pin back, the yello is for tach and the green is for neutral. If both are green then the yellow should be on pin #8 and green on pin #4. Do a continuity test to see on the #4 to the green wire that connect to the neutral switch on tranny. If it shows right and good continuity, then you will know that that green is for neutral and leave the otehr for tach (if it is indeed green instead of yellow and just close to one another).

If you are not sure how to use a multi meter and do a continuity check, let us know and we will go from there.

Mickee can you post up more good photos of the schematic by chance. I am in the sandbox 10k mileas away from him and if one can post it up, I can follow it out from here and be postive.

I scanned the images again. This is page 1 and 2 with the master harness to the right. Also on the 8 position conector the number 1 is Black- ground. Didn't get it in the scan

As always you all are great! Brain fart on the ignition wire, all is good. The eight pin plug on the MH is wrong but I will trace it back to be sure the green wire is going to the tach (should be yellow). Operating on little sleep tonight so I think I will put it on hold until tomorrow. Stay safe and thanks agian. Al


Banjo Playing PsychoBilly
Good to hear on the ignition. Not sure about the green where it should be yellow, but looking on some picture of Raywood, his may had the same thing.

I know the one green that is on #4 at the 8 pin should go back to the neutral switch. The green you have for the tach, not sure where it goes, but looking on the schematic that Mickee put on it may go to either Pin #11 going to the PDM, or pin #6 on HCI #2 connector.

Also maybe BDPP can look at one of theirs and see what is up with the color change and confirm.

Worse case if you can not get it traced. put it all together and disconnect the nuetral switch, turn the power on and it should not show a neutral when it is n. If it does show neutral with siwthc disconnected, the green may be switched, if not then started and see if the tach sweeps once started, if it does shut her off and then reconnect neutral switch. Then turn key on and with power on but not started, see if she now indicates neutral! If it does, pretty much confirms which green is doing what.

Good luck
Fibersnake, I like your idea of trial and error. I think it will be allot easier then attempting to trace it back to the PDM and test it. Hope to have time this weekend to get at it. As far a BDPP I'm not sure they would be all that helpful. I have called on a few other parts I was interested in and they said they would check their inventory and get back to me. I have left two messages asking to let me know either way and it has been well over a week and nothing and all I wanted was to buy parts. In any case, you all hear have been much more responsive and helpful, I truly appreciate it. Al
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Moving right along, however, one main concern; how to suspend the MH and HCI wiring so it is not laying on top of the starter/trans. I have the MH routed between the oil fill tube and horn. The HCI is mounted under the battery box next to the oil fill tube with the wiring facing towards the PDM or right side. All plugged together--what a mess! In any case I can not find a means to suspend it off the hot vibrating stuff.

Does it need to be??

Any suggestions, nothing to attach a wire tie and even if there was it seems it would put a strain on the MH bendng around the battery box and HCI. I thought about trying to move the HCI but I am not sure there would be any benefit.

Any thoughts?
