no headlight(stuck)

Energy One


05 chopper.need help on getting my head light out. stuck in the dark right now. turn key on and everything but headlight. high bean singnal in the speedo just flashes in and out? any help or sug. would be great.


The Pirate
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De ja vu??? :eek:

Moving to the Help Wanted thread. Search Headlight and you find what you need. Are you asking how to remove the headlamp? Current thread on this ongoing right now.



Low Down Chop Shop

Here are some pretty detailed instructions to disassemble the bucket & remove the bulb itself. If replacing the bulb doesn't cure your high beam indicator "on or flashing" issue, then move on to searching for EHC headlight issues:

(1)...Loosen Little tiny set screw on the bottom of the headlight, the one closest to the front, not the rear one! The rear one is the set screw for the back plate that everything sandwiches back against. Remove this one and it will take you twice as long to put back together.

(2)...Spin the trim ring off with your fingers, if it is set up due to water, stick a couple pieces of duct tape on it with a hanging tab to pull it loose for leverage.

(3)...Using a couple small allen wrenches or two small phillip screw drivers, put one in each of two of the three holes on the retainer ring holding the glass lens in. If water has set it up, it may be a bear getting loose.

(4)... Pull the lens out and unplug the bulb and remove. Re-install new bulb and inspect the black 3-pin socket on the bike for damage. They are known to have a bad connection and can over heat and melt causing the headlight to go out without the actual bulb burning out. If it is melted, replace with a new pigtail, preferably a ceramic unit like this:

(5)... Be sure to put anti sieze on the threads when you put it back together so you don't have removal issues the next time you take it apart.

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thanks guys. finally got it taken apart and a new bulb in. and made it back to the house.what a deal it was. the guy that owned the bike befor me had stripped the set screws out and had the ring all cross threaded. So i pretty much destroyed my head light assembly. once again thank you for the help.