Ultima Ignition Install

Energy One


I'll be installing an Ultima single fire ignition tonight on the 2000 Bulldog.

Is this a straight swap install, or will I need to integrate with the EHC?

For those running one on a 107" motor, what is the best curve? The instructions say #2, which is 34*, but I've read that is too much advance. My engine was supposedly rebuilt with increased compression, but not verified.


Staff member
I'll be installing an Ultima single fire ignition tonight on the 2000 Bulldog.

Is this a straight swap install, or will I need to integrate with the EHC?

For those running one on a 107" motor, what is the best curve? The instructions say #2, which is 34*, but I've read that is too much advance. My engine was supposedly rebuilt with increased compression, but not verified.
What are you running now? The stock Thunderheart Ignition Module with the Harley Style Cam Sensor? That would be either 30 or 32 degrees. Also, that is a dual fire setup, so you got new coils to install with your new ignition?


Staff member
Yes, Thunderheart ignition. Ultima kit included the US made coil.
Should be all set for a swap you will lose the thunderheart under the seat everythign will be packed into the nosecone now.

I wouldn't start with 34. 30 without motor work or 32 if you have any work done. You can try 34 afterwards if you are not happy with 32.

Good luck with the install, post pics!


Anyone know if the S&S 107 has the VOES (vacuum operated electric switch)?

Had to grind the chit out of the coil cover to fit the Ultima coil. 8^(
The old Dyna was much smaller.

I'll post pics when I wrap it up.


Here's a couple pics of the install. She starts much easier now; and it doesn't seem like there is so much strain on the starter. She also seems to idle smoother, or more evenly. Will get her out for a ride tomorrow.
I had to lengthen the three wires that go from the module to the coil. The original Thunder Heart wiring was routed back near the swingarm and ran up under the seat, then forward. Ran this harness the same way.



She def runs smoother now. With the Thunder Heart dual fire I'd get buzzy balls at around 75mph from the vibrations. Ran her up to about 85mph or so with the single fire and no issues.
She does seem a little down on power though. I'm thinking of either grounding the VOES wire so all the advance is in by 1500rpm, or going to curve #2.

I noticed in the Ultima documentation they list advance curve #3 as 32 degrees, but on the graph comparing VOES modes, it shows less than 30. I'll have to put the timing light on it and see where the advance is really at.