Got my sissy bar and luggage rack in from Nelson. (Great price and quick shipping) The sissy bar install is pretty easy, except for removing the wires from the plastic connector that plugs into the LED board on your taillights. If it wasn't for the wires it would have been a 45 minute job. I jacked with getting the wires out of the plug for a hour. Started to just cut them and splice them back together, but I figured everybody on the board would give me a hard time. Plus I wanted to do it like the instructions said (now I remember why I never look at the instructions) After driving a needle thru my thumb three times, tried using a jewelers phillips head screwdriver. Only drove it through my thumb twice. I'm not stupid. I would have been better off letting my dog chew the wires off. At least them I would have something left to work with. Only broke two of the metal plug things that go into the connector. The problem I have now is that I jacked with the plug so much it is not very tight when plugged back into the board, and of course the two broken wire plugs. Oh almost forgot one of the keepers on the LED board broke when I removed the plug (I swear it was messed up before I touched it) I am not a professional mechanic, but I forsee a problem with the taillights in the near future. My question is can you purchase the 6 little metal plug-ins that crimp on the wires and go into the connector. Also need the plastic connector that plugs into the board.