Need Help 06 Pitbull EHC Problem

Energy One


New Member
I have an 06 Pitbull that runs but on the EHC module the high and low beam lights flash back and forth and ignition light stays on steady. The high beam light on the speedometer also flashes. I took the bike out the other day and got stuck about a mile away, I started it then moved about 200 ft before it would stall again. I disconnected the headlight and still the same, then I disconnected the control to the high and low beam and still the same. Don't know what to do next?
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I have an 06 Pitbull that runs but on the EHC module the high and low beam lights flash back and forth and ignition light stays on steady. The high beam light on the speedometer also flashes. I took the bike out the other day and got stuck about a mile away, I started it then moved about 200 ft before it would stall again. I disconnected the headlight and still the same, then I disconnected the control to the high and low beam and still the same. Don't know what to do next?
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99% positive your ehc is failing my K9 would run great for couple miles cut out completely, restart and die again , got it home went to start it 2-: days later and the horn would blow signals would flash put Axels ehc in and problem solved


New Member
99% positive your ehc is failing my K9 would run great for couple miles cut out completely, restart and die again , got it home went to start it 2-: days later and the horn would blow signals would flash put Axels ehc in and problem solved
Thanks. I see it goes for about $550.00 Is there any cheaper ones out there?


Active Member
If you wire it yourself it's half the price. That's what I did, just bought thunderheart module and rewired. Takes more time and patience but saves a few hundred.


Active Member
Why rewire with inferior wires and change from a stock electronic system to an aftermarket system when the wiring is not the problem.
Just replace the EHC with a pin for pin function for function improved version. Cheaper too.
A lot of the time wires under the tank become chaffed and or pcb boards in controls go bad. You can throw a new ehc in all day but if you have a short in wiring you'll be in for a bigger headache. If you know 100% it's ehc than Axles replacement is a good idea.


Active Member
I have an 06 Pitbull that runs but on the EHC module the high and low beam lights flash back and forth and ignition light stays on steady. The high beam light on the speedometer also flashes. I took the bike out the other day and got stuck about a mile away, I started it then moved about 200 ft before it would stall again. I disconnected the headlight and still the same, then I disconnected the control to the high and low beam and still the same. Don't know what to do next?
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Send your EHC to Wild Steed Worx and Curtis can test it. If bad replace, if not continue to diagnose.


Active Member
I should clarify. Curtis will walk you through testing over the phone and if he believes the EHC is the problem, he will have you send it for testing. He often can make that determination over the phone and avoid shipping it. If and when it is determined to be faulty and you buy a new EHC from him he does not charge otherwise, yes he charges $49. Also he tells me he does not simply plug in the unit and cycle through the functions. I happened to be in his shop two weeks ago when he was testing one. He does much more:

His testing does not amount to just sticking it on a box like most do. He puts the EHC through rigorous testing in hot and cold environment with a a vibration table to ascertain real world issues as well as accessing it. And, we he can, he has software to pull the real world data off of it. These then go to the customer along with a certification sheet. If he plugs it EHC in and it is just dead he doesn't go any further, and you can simply buy a new EHC.
Curtis's website is Wild Steed Worx, his # is 619-823-8557 - he's in California, so pacific time. Very fast shipping on products - guess he knows we're itchin' to get'm rolling. I've referred a cpl that EHC's were'nt bad - boy were they happy!
He isn't a supporting business anymore either I noticed that's been a while
Only because Tim ignores my requests to advertise again.
Sure, I got a little thin skinned for a while. You try working 7 days a week for shit pay while jack asses who do nothing for the BD community trample on your name and slander you for no good reason.
Folks that need the help have been asking me to come back so despite the asses on this site, that no one wanted to do anything about there for a while thank you Knotso, I tried to start advertising again but my requests have just been ignored therefore I am not a supporting business. But I supported this site for a long time giving supporting members, those who donated to help keep the site running because your not a supporting member or a "Guru" just because you troll the site looking for buttons to push and shit to stir, 10% off on a regular basis. WSW will continue to provide top notch expertise and parts to Big Dog owners who need it for years to come. Here or elsewhere but we won't go away.

Thank you to all the members here who support WSW and our efforts to keep Big Dog alive.
"Break the Leash."