after a lot of testing and thought I think it is the ehc so I will replace the old with ????? I need to do some more research thanks to all who responded Stan

Might want to send EHC to Curtis for testing before spending the $$ on new stuff
Not sure your EHC is operating correctly?
Stop wasting time and money and find out.
Wild Steed Worx will test your EHC for 19 different functions under heated vibratory conditions.
If it fails then we will tell you what failed.
Don't guess....Know....
Certificate of compliance and return shipping included Free of Charge, within the Continental U.S.
How to help your EHC survive
We have received a number of EHCs from customers for testing and a predominant theme is the damage that is prevalent on the EHCs when we receive them.
If you have not done so we highly recommend you examine your EHC in your Big Dog and make sure you have the following in place:
1) A minimum 1/8"
neoprene foam base under the EHC as well as on sides
that may be rubbing or banging against the battery box.
2) Ny-lock nuts instead of a nut and washer
3) CLEAN Di-electric grease filling the connections
Yes the potting does isolate the electronics from some vibration.
However, it will not isolate the EHC from harsh impacts which will occur if your EHC is loose in the battery box and not properly mounted. Harsh impacts will reduce the life of your EHC dramatically so get it secured. You MUST use Ny-lock nuts and NOT a nut and washer setup. The Ny-lock will allow you to put just enough tension on the mounting bolts to pull the EHC snuggly against the neoprene and not come loose. This will also prevent the EHC from being to tight against the battery box which can lead to damage from harsh impacts and excess vibration.
Finally the Di-electric grease. It does not last forever. Clean the connections out every couple of years, at least, and refill them.
Remember to disconnect your positive battery cable before tampering with the EHC connections. Sudden voltage spikes can damage the electronics.