01 boxer cant get in the ring


i have an 01 boxer and had to replace the oil lines because they had rubbed holes into each other. i also had to replace the primary cover gasket because the shop i had taken it to had replaced the secondary belt but not the primary gasket and it was leaking. I will no longer got to or recomend BTW, very shoddy as well as shady workmanship. ever since then my poor pup has not been the same.
i can only ride for about 6 or 7 miles and then when i try to put a load on it, like taking off from a stop light it snaps pops and tries top shut down. when it does this and i pull over and check the oil it almost looks like a water cooled engine with a blown head gasket, very thick foam from lots of fine air bubbles. let it set for about five and can get another 6 or 7 miles.
i know it is getting hot for some reason but dont know why. please help. my pup has the V117 super stock "TP" series motor. please help
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Could the oil lines be crossed up. The oil does help to cool the engine as well.


thought about that but rode from colorado springs, co to canyon city,co (about 80 miles) and it seemed to run fine. of course it was all highway miles. but the lines are different sizes and as far as i can see only go on one way