03 chopper start problem?

Energy One


My 03 started then i went about 4 miles I shut it off.
It then would not start I was getting a red light on the batt.
when I hit the start switch. Started to push the sucker home
got to a hill took a rest thought I would try it again and it started ..
Put it on my battery tender at home it charged for a
time now it shows it is charged. It has not been on the tender for a while and I have not had the chance to ride it... is my battery going south?


Troop Supporter
Best thing to do is put it on the tender and get it charged then check the volts. Leave it off the tender for an hour or so then check the volts again, if it drops quite a bit then the battery is toast (not holing a charge).

You might also want to check your charging system. Start the bike and put an ohm meter on the positive and negative terminals while it's running make sure your system is charging the battery while it's running...:2thumbs:


this weekend should be nice I will check these things
ride the bike alot and hope i am not stranded
thanks for the info.


still won't start

checked out the battery it is good 325 cold crank,
put it back in the bike , crank once then nothing
just a red light on the start module,
is my starter bad? This sucks