03 Pitbull, grab a handful of throttle and it misses big then takes off, loud backfire off throttle too

Energy One


And it begins. I'm sure there are posts about this... but
I've reset the 3 carb adjust screws to factory spec and tweaked the idle and mixture. Accel pump screw too I think. It's like 2 turns out from seated, not sure where the right spot is on that one. Snapping the throttle seems fine like 2 turns out all the way to like 4 to 5 turns out. I'm not super familiar with an accel pump. Or a carb at all for that matter :rolleyes:

Open the throttle to accelerate (pretty much 3rd to 6.. mostly noticeable 4 to 6, and 6 on the highway to pass for sure) it misses (bogs) for a split second then takes off like an afterburner. Once passed that miss, it accelerates really well.
But when you go to pass and that first handfull is nothing for a second, it's not a comfy feeling on the highway.

Off throttle, getting a loud snap backfire... only one... maybe 2... sounds like an AR-15.

Seems lean with the backfire and all, but the mixture screw is 1 turn left of the ideal center between lean and rich.

New plugs, fresh 91 non-ethanol gas, cleaned and oiled air filter.

Olde Man

Active Member
Sounds like accelerator pump not comming in for the delay on acceleleration. The pop on mine was controlled with the idle mixture screw turned in a little to keep it from loading up during the high vacuum situation that you create when you slam the throttle blade shut.