04 Chopper Air Ride

Energy One


Hey guys. I've decided i'm puttin air ride on my bike. I was just wondering if anyone can help me with some questions. I'm trying to decide what brand, and model to go with. I've looked into both the Legend and Custom Cycle's SAS system. Mostly what i'm wondering if anyone can tell me which system will fit on the bike. I was told by both that the system for a 89-99 Harley soft tail may work, but neither was positive. Any info would be great. Wasn't getting much action on the performace forums so figured i'd try it out here. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i have the legend on my 04 mastiff,i got it from someone on ebay who has a shop.it was a couple of years ago,the kit was the i believe was the L9kit,he had to adjust the shafts to get it to slam.you have to look at your shocks to see if they are looped at each end or loop and stud,i have had no problems with the system,i also went with the toggle switch instead of the handlebar switch,hope this helps,good luck:cheers:


Thanks. The guy at legend sounded like the same kit would work on the chopper, but he wasn't positive. He did tell me he knows they won't work on the k-9 though. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there was a difference in the Chopper and the Chopper DT suspension too. Thanks.