04 pitbull wont start


Ok guys I last ran my bike in november running fuel stabilizer through it. I did get it to fire a couple of times last week but nothing since. It has new ehc (yellow) I get the flashing green solid yellow and solid red light when I push the run switch. The red thunderheart light is on and the battery is at 13.62v. I have spark at both plugs (checked against the jugs) and I have fuel to carb. I pulled the cam sensor cover and it looked fine. I even sprayed a shot of starting fluid to see if it would fire. It turns over like normal but will not fire at all. What now?? Thanks:bang:


The Pirate
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Replace the plugs and try it again. Stay off the enrichener as you may be flooding/fouling it out.


I have replaced plugs twice and no enricher. I have spark, gas, and compression. Its got to be some simple gremlin but I cant find it


I hate to sound like I am talking down to you but did you check to make sure the fuel is on? I only ask because my neighbor went through this exact thing a week ago with his Harley and his son walked in and fixed it in 1 second. He had been working on it for 2 days.


Well-Known Member
that was my next question however he says he has fuel to the carb,may not be gettn past the carb hense the question any fuel on the plugs,but could be as simple as fuel on:)


Well-Known Member
one other thing,you say you have a new ehc,when did you insall it before november or after?reason im asking is make sure it is plugged in all the way and use dielectric grease,when i put my ehc in i thought it was all good,lights everything worked except yep you got it no start,just another something to look at,keep us posted:cheers:

Gas Man

Cool isn't cheap
Calendar Participant
Did you pull the air filter and physically look at the carb and see spray when you twist the throttle?

Are you giving the bike 2-3 whacks of throttle before starting?

Go get some new KNOWN good gas. Put it in a spray bottle. Instead of giving the throttle 2 whacks... spray the gas into the carb. Try to start.

I'm willing to bet its bad gas in the tank.

Oh and I also thought about the petcock not being on...


the first time I tried to start it I didnt have gas on but I have since watched as it sprayed gas in carb. I dont have an alarm system. I have been thinking bad gas and I will try what gasman said. I installed new ehc last year and bike had been running great. I am going to disconnect battery and reconnect ehc and battery to reset and try new gas tomorrow. thanks for input guys


Ok I'm a dumbass. What I saw when I looked in carb and saw what I thought was gas was a mist of what was left in line. I was going to drain gas out today and replace so I "turned gas off" and disconnected from carb and gas poured out. I forgot I replaced the fuel line after I ran it last and didnt turn gas off after I ran it so when I tried to start it last week I turned gas off when I thought I turned it on. Operator error is the final verdict. Sorry for wasting everyones time but thanks for coming to the rescue again!


yessssssssssssssssssssssssss I was actually right about something. You have no idea how good I feel since I am in noooooooooooo way mechanically inclined.


Active Member
I don't think I would have ever admitted that one. :bang: I would have taken it to my grave. :eek::eek::eek: