06 Ridgeback making weird noise


Sounds like its coming from the primary. Chain was a lil loose so i tightened the tensioner drained oil and replaced...same noise present...So after some research i was told the clutch basket could have a crack...So I pulled cover off, pulled clutch out and i don't see any signs of a crack or any metal shavins of any kind of sort. Anything to lead me in the right direction would be helpful. I am learning as i go with this one...Thank you for any help you can give in advance!


Mr. Old Fart member #145
Staff member
as mentioned in another current thread, check out your throw-out bearing. might want to replace it while you've got it apart, just for shits and giggles.

but then again, the noise could be transferring from somewhere else.


thank you. it appears ok, but maybe it isn't...will order one at least and slap it in see if it does the trick...Sorry i missed the other thread posted about this issue....


I wish I had more money.
Check the overflow tube in your gas tank. A few guys have had them with cracked welds vibrating and think the sound was from the primary. Just a thought.


I just wanta ride
What kind of noise is it making does it sound like the chain is rubbing. Have all service bulletins been done on the bike?


I purchased the bike just last year and do not know what has been done. it sounded almost like a knock, but wasn't the chain....and after pulling the clutch basket completely out and getting the chain off, I found that the pulley on the motor was just a lil loose. i couldn't tell that when the chain was on it. I feel dumb because i overlooked that one simple thing. So i took nut off. Used loctite. put all back together and wow, noise was gone. Thank you everyone for ur replies. Im new with these bikes and any issues i become dumbfounded easily. I grew up on sport bikes and decided it was time to buy me a "real" bike last year...


Mr. Old Fart member #145
Staff member
best thing to do is exactly what you did. look for answers right here. most questions have already been asked and if not it's just another thing we need to know ourselves. it's all a learning experience. :cheers: