2005 Mastiff


New Member
I recently purchased a 2005 bigdog mastiff, when i recieved the bike the starter was bad! I replaced the starter with a new one. about 3 weeks later in which i may have riden it 4 times i was out one afternoon when we made a stop! With my bike off and the key in the off position the bike wanted to jump"as if someone was trying to start it in gear without the clutch in"! then it jumped again I was able to grab it before it fell! so i figured keep it in neutral when its off till i can get home! bike started up fine! Next stop about 100 miles later, we stop for gas gas and something to eat! 30 minutes later we come outside with my key in my pocket i now see my headlight is on. Switches all off and key in my pocket. I try to start the bike and I get nothing at all! tried bypassing the starter will crank but wont turnover! Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Try disconnecting the battery to reset the ehc might help.also how good is your battery?these dogs to alot of amazing tricks with weak batteries.try also using the search tool lots of good info here.without getting my head bit off you should also do an intro.good luck:cheers:


The Pirate
Staff member
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Troop Supporter
I agree, make sure your battery is fully charged and has the power to turn the bike over.
When you pull the EHC harness' ensure the EHC is full of die-electric grease and that the seals are removed. Don't forget to dis-connect the battery first.

This has been posted a hundred times so do some reading and enjoy the site.



Troop Supporter
Welcome from Washington State, I hope you enjoy the site. Please go to the into section and post an introduction and tell us a little bit about yourself...:cheers:


has the bike been wet lately? rain or a good washing? like ray said remove the main ehc connectors & add dielectric greese to all the connections & if there is any signs of corrosion clean them 1st.. & a good charged battery.. if any doubts abot the battery get it load checked then charge on a tender