2005 Ridgeback Clutch Issues


New Member
Hey all! I have a question hopefully someone can help me out. I have a 2005 Ridgeback and while the bike is not started, if I pull in the clutch, put it in gear and try to roll it I only get about a foot and it stops. Has anyone else had this problem and have any suggestions? Thanks!! :bang:


Try rolling it in neutral instead of trying to roll in in gear with clutch pulled in?

Not sure if I understand why u would want to try and move the bike in gear with the clutch pulled in.


New Member
Not necessarily trying to move it, just noticed it while trying to figure out other clutch issues, like it creeps while running with the clutch engaged and in gear. Just wondering if it could signify a problem.


Have you done a full clutch adjustment? Sounds like its draggin a bit. But all are harder to push in gear with the clutch in when the bike is not runnin. You'll find this out one day when ya got to push start.


Well-Known Member
So the creeping or walking in gear with the clutch pulled in is likely needs simple adjustment; several threads in the how-to on that.
When you say it stops after rolling a foot or so is a bit puzzling. As in it hard stops? Additional resistance but could push through it if ...?
Have you had the primary opened up to have a look / inspection of the clutch basket (old/new style/broken), clutch nut tight etc? What have you read on here and inspected anything as preparation to posting the question out here so we know where you're coming from?