250 DUNLOP ELITE 3 for 03 mastiff

Energy One
did the 03 come with a 240 i was told i could put a 250 on my o4 mastiff i put a dunlop e3 240 on it i plan on lowering it the gap between the tire and fender bugs me


The Cleaner
Troop Supporter
03s came with a 240.

I've seen a 03 with a 250 but it looked pretty tight.

Don't think there's much advantage to it.

240 is big enough. Actually, a 200 is just about perfect (handling wise) IMO BUT...I wouldn't trade my 03 Mastiff for nuthin!:2thumbs:


I wish I had more money.
I think you could get the 250 on but may have to sand the edge of the tire off next to the final drive belt. I know that I have about an eighth inch between my 240 and the belt now. Like Ldo said. The differance is so slight anyway you would be better off to stay with the 240.