Adjusting steering Fall away

Energy One


Active Member
Hey guys... I did do research on this topic saw a thread for adjsuting fallaway: saying raise bike, loosen Triple tree pinch bolts, loosen Lower triple tree set screw. mark center of fender and adjust fallaway to within 1"-2", by tightening or loosening bottem stem bolt, then retighten pinch bolts and set screw to 16 foot/lbs.

Tried this, but not sure if I got it right (never done this before on any bike) . Should I tighten the stem bearing bolt to where it softly will drop to each side?, or should it be so free to fall (slam) with absolutely no resistance once past the 1"-2" center?

Also, the set screw in the lower tree is a 5/16"-18 x 3/8" and stripped out the lower tree aluminum threads, I tried retapping same size thread and found a set screw 1/2" long, it did get to 16 footpounds, but I am worried that it is only holding by a few good threads. I don't qiute understand what the set screw is locking against? Is it locking against the the bearing race?

PS: I have the Repair manual (125.00), I can't believe this is not covered at all in the manual, infact in my opinion the manual poorest instructional tool I have ever seen, (sorry just venting)

Thanks in advance,
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Well-Known Member
The set screw locks against the fastener that sets the preload on the bearing if I understand what you are saying. And like kickstart said helicoil is your best fix for the striped threads. Oh and don't forget to put a little blue Loctite on that set screw.