alright gang, im stumped

Energy One


ok fellas im still stuck here, after riding the bike for about ten minutes if i shut it off i cant start it, acts like the battery is dead and voltage meter shows the batt is drained. however this battery is like 3 months old and was working just fine up untill about a month ago. all my connections are tight and all my wires and terminals look good. if i put it on a charger itll charge for bit and then start up. im really confused here. any help here would be greatly appreciated


Insert title here...
First you have to get the bike started. Then, while it's running, put a multimeter across the battery. You should get 13.8 to 14.8VDC if it's charging.



My 08 Ridgeback VR went bad last year. Was working fine just local bar hopping I guess because I put it on the bat tender all the time. Took a ride to the Winchester Va dealer ship and had to push start it at about 100 miles. Got to the dealer and she was dead. They install a new VR while I drank a few a walked the show.


i would guess the voltage regulator... cock knockers at mancuso powersports where i purchased my ridgeback took mine off probably to replace a customers bad one and never replaced mine. i was one pissed off S.O.B 712 miles later after the fact when i got home. luckily BIG DOG was still in business and they installed one free of charge to me.(i live about 70 miles from wichita)

Chopper Dave

Here are the tests that I did on my scoot....Thanks to Alhall :2thumbs:


Battery: Turn ohmmeter to the DC Volts setting that can read 12V or more. With your motorcycle off, read from Positive to Negative making sure the Red is +, Black is -- If battery is good you should get about 12.5 to 13.5 volts

Charging: Using same multi-meter range, start the motorcycle and run RPM's up to above idle. Voltage should increase to several volts above initial reading, usually to about 14.7 V. Voltage should not go much higher than 14.7 V. If voltage goes a lot higher when you rev the engine, you could be overcharging due to a voltage regulator problem. If voltage doesn't change, your motorcycle is not charging.

Stator: If your motorcycle is not charging, you need to check the stator. Locate the plug for the stator on the front of the engine block. Switch the multi-meter to OHMS range on the lowest setting, usually 10 ohms. With the motorcycle off, read between the 2 pins or holes in the block. These should show continuity. If your meter is accurate you could read 1 to 3 ohms, but cheaper meters will not be that accurate. As long there is continuity it passes this test.

Now change the setting on the multi-meter to the highest OHM range like 100K. Touch one probe to a pin or hole in the engine, the other to the engine case or a metal bolt on the engine. The meter should not move. Try the other pin the same way and it also shouldn't move. If you get any reading the stator is shorted and must be replaced. This requires special tools and you should consider taking it to a shop. If you get no movement on the meter, it's not shorted out so you need to check for output.

To check for output, change multi-meter to AC Volts setting over 100 Volts. With the alternator plug disconnected, start the bike. Use the probes (not polarity sensitive) to read between the pins or holes in the engine block. You should read about 20V per 1000 rpm's. At idle expect about 25V, as you rev the engine it will increase to 60 or 70 Volts. If it does your stator is OK, if you get no output the stator is bad and you will need to replace it or take it to a shop.

Voltage Regulator: If your stator is not shorted to ground and has the proper output, your regulator is most likely the culprit. If your stator checks out OK but battery voltage don’t increase when the motorcycle is running, the regulator isn't doing its job and needs to be replaced. It's an easy swap; just make sure you bring the old one with you to make sure they give you the correct unit. If the battery voltage goes too high when you rev the motorcycle the regulator isn't limiting the voltage and again it needs replacement.