Another Question RE: Starter

When the start button is pressed should it catch and the engine turn over Every Single Time. Sometimes when I go to start it it does turn over on the first or first few attempts. Is this common?

Thanks again, I am new at this so forgive my ignorance.


2005 Pitbull
If everything is working properly, it should turn your motor over. Just a couple of things to check. First, are your compression releases working? To check, while the motor is cool....feel the compression releases in the very center top of the rocker box when you press the start button. You should feel them click down to release compression and make turning the engine easier. Next, do not use the enrichner and do not give it gas while trying to start. The enrichner will foul your plugs and giving it gas will increase compression making it harder to turn over. Just give a couple turns of the throttle before pressing the start button but none while actually trying to start it. When you say, "catch the engine" do you mean spin the motor? Do you sometimes press the start and just hear a spinning noise but the motor doesn't turn? That's another issue all together.
I really don't know how to describe the noise, it just doesen't turn over all the time. Sometimes it takes 2 to 3 tries. It not a clicking noise, i do know that.


2005 Pitbull
Yes, the battery is brand new and charged. Thanks guys
Do you have a volt meter? Just because you have a new battery and it's reading a full charge does not mean that it's good! :job: Try taking a reading while pushing the start button. Mine just crapped out on me this weekend. Like yours, it was fairly new, read a full charge but when trying to start, no voltage reading at all. I kept it on a tender when not riding but shit happens. Probably half the issues related to our dogs are battery related.


i have a 2003 pitbull and had same problem,went thru batteries and finally talked to the boyz at spike starters. they told me to buy the biggest cca battery(i found interstate 350cca)and they hooked me up with a 1.4kw high torque starter. let me tell you my starter would never roll the engine over on the 1st start, now that thing turns over just as quick as any bike out go low kw high torque starter and big ass cca battery.