Beware Of Dog
My dog has been acting up the last week or so (2004 pitbull with a 107) When i go to start it i got to use the choke even if its warm. It might pop when it fires then once it starts it will idle for a bit then die. I go to start it up again and same thing. once it gets going then im good but if i pull up to a light it might die. When im riding her she runs great but when i try and idle it she seems to shut down not every time but when its cold it seems to be worse. Last night as i was pulling up to the house it was really late so i was trying to keep it down so i was lugging it a little as i pulled up to the garage door pulled the cluth in she just died. I put about 700 miles on her this weekend and it seems to be getting a little worse but nothing major. Any ideas?