bad timesss


New Member
Yeah..Sorry bout that..Alright my flywheel has 6 bolts connecting to the basket(I'm assuming) those 6 bolts have come loose and were accually starting to cut into the inner primary. So what now? I'm assumin this isn't really that hard of a fix,just tryn to see if anyones been thru this an can help?


If I am not mistaken it sounds as though you are speaking of your clutch assembly,and usually we tighten loose bolts either with a ratchet or a wrench......Locktite on the bolts will help you from not having to have to tighten them again.......


Well-Known Member
Agree, sounds like; are these the bolts and/or assembly you are referring to?
Note, this is your clutch basket carrier showing the inside facing (transmission side) whereas, if you were to flip this part over - you would be looking at where your clutch pack resides, which also has bolts.

It would probably help us help you further if you explained what you were experiencing and what you've done to locate 6 bolts that require tightening. Ie...did you take your outer primary cover off to reveal these bolts you are talking about. The part description 'Flywheel' used is confusing us (well me at least),

Are you having trouble holding part stationary so that you can tighten said bolts or what?


Well-Known Member
That is your clutch Basket bolts, NOT flywheel. Red Locktite and 18 ft lbs of torque. Tighten in crisscross patern.


also when tightening bolts remember to move the wrench or ratchet clockwise,however to get to this unit you will have to remove clutch hub nut which you will loosen clockwise and tighten counter clockwise.......IMO this is why it is so imperative that people buy manuals,cause all this is soooooo self explanatory in there....