Bandit Clutch HELP.....

Energy One


After following directions that were sent with my Bandit Clutch I reassembled the new ,provided from Bandit backing plate,clutch hub and basket and put assembly onto trans spline and it dont seem to go in as far as the stock basket,matter of fact if I look from above and use the inner primary edge as my straight line the primary chain gears dont even line up nor do I have that much thread left on the trans spline to run my clutch hub nut onto,its as though the hub is not going all the way on yet I am scared to death to run the nut on and then not be able to remove the assembly at all..I have a stock unit Trainguy sent me a few years ago and when I put that on it slides right in and theres plenty of thread on the spline of the trans and all gears line up properly...I mean they are the same hubs.....has anyone ran across this issue....any ideas??????? Below are pics

See how the gears dont line up...

Stock clutch basket,look at the amount of threads on trans spline...

This is the Bandit clutch basket very small amount of threads from the trans spline......:bang::bang:


I not sure JIMI but i'm feelin' yer pain. One of these guys like Andrew or somebody will jump in here.:2thumbs:


While you have it pushed on as far as it will go, can you spin it around? Here any noise like the carrier is against something?


ok so I walked away,came back 2 hours later ,went at it with a little more patience and got it to go all the way in.....However when I went to dismantle the clutch basket assembly off the trans from the beginning I didnt have the air compressor there,so needless to say with a locktited clutch hub nut practically welded on and no impact I tryed using a strong bar and put everything I had into breaking the nut loose,well I musta bent the trans shaft that the clutch basket is bolted to cause when I spun the basket the chain moved up and down on the gears,naturally I wanted to think I bent the original backing plate or basket,and it didnt matter cause I was replacing it with new Bandit stuff,so when I reinstalled all new Bandit stuff,the basket and chain moved up and down,then to make 100% sure it wasnt in the hub I put the OEM one I had of Trainguys and it did the same worst case situation,which allways happens to be my story is that the trans mainshaft is bent!!!!!!!!!! Trans is out awaiting to be sent out!!!! Shit Happens.........


Well-Known Member
You still take a risk of bending the main shaft believe it or not. Seen it in past with a few customers bikes. I asked one guy how he did it? He explained to me that he could not get the nut loose, so he put a 4 foot long pipe onto his breaker bar to get nut loose, only to find out he was turning it the wrong way :eek: So needless to say, his had a total shaft runout of .020" :eek: Only fix is to replace main shaft.
The reason I use an air impact for removal and install on all primary drives.