
Energy One


sippin & cruzin
Well I dug into my primary to figure out why my starter is whizzing,and I came across this,doesn't look right but I'm not sure,also where can I get a new one if needed.I've done a little searching,so far no good.



sippin & cruzin
I was wrong on the name,it's a jackshaft pinion gear,I found one on J&P but I was hoping to get it and get it back together over the weekend.If I need to order,does anyone know the part # or how I can find out #,


sippin & cruzin
went to a starter shop and dude says that the pinion looks fine,he thinks the problem is inside the starter.Came home put the pinion back in,hooked up the batt.,took off the spark plug wires and gave it a shot,it worked fine ten times in a row,put the primary cover back on put fluid in and whizzz,than it worked,than it didn't………but I will say that it worked more often than not.Strange that it worked fine with no fluid in it.:confused:


LARS, I have the same problem with my 2003 bulldog. I put a new Braille battery#2015 in & cleaned the solenoid contacts, the "whizzing" stopped for two days of riding but then started again only occasionally. I pulled the primary cover & my gear looks just like yours! I don't want to pull the starter unless I have to. Other members have said that it may be the starter clutch. Sorry I couldn't be much help, but I would appreciate if you would post the outcome. Thanks


I wish I had more money.
Nmy 03 mastiff does it as well. Im going to end up having it rebuilt I believe. 