bike troubles

Energy One


New Member
My bike every now and then will blow blue smoke.Anyone know what it may be?It doesn't do it very much but once in a while it will.


Well-Known Member
Blue smoke is oil in the combustion chamber. Like 05 old dog said most likely the valve guides. Especially if you have the TP rocker boxes.

big A

My wife was following me one time and she said that all of a sudden she saw blue smoke come from the exhaust. It was not very much nor did it last but a split second. My mechanic, who is the best around said that on rare occasions the piston ring gaps will sometimes line up just long enough to let a small amount of oil pass. It has only happened once as far as I can tell. There was a very small amount of oil residue in the exhaust tip from the rear cylinder. Just what I was told so this ain't gospel.