Bizarre Issue

Energy One

Jersey Big Mike

100K mile club
So 2 weeks ago I replace my battery in the k-9. All is well I ride it almost daily.
Sat I go out and run around everythings ok. then Sunday comes along

I open the trailer and put the key in the ignition.
I turn the key on
Bike Lurches forward.
turn key off quickly.

I think to myself I wasn't hitting the start button was I?

So I pay more attention and turn the key again -- Again it lurches forward.
Off goes the key.

Roll the beast back, put it in neutral and turn the key NOTHING.


Put it on the charger -- 2.1 volts!

Take the battery out and try to charge it -- fails -- charger reads BAD.

ANyone else seen a bad battery make a bike flake out like this before?

Oh, I also went and got a NEW battery -- put it in, turned key and everything is fine, starts and runs just like normal. Started today just like normal as well.

My guess would be that the battery power was erratic in some fashion when I turned on the bike and the EHC got "confused" in a big way!



Well-Known Member
these bikes do alot of crazy things when the battery is weak,keep it on a tender,they say puppies die brand new,so do batteries.what battery you runnin?
If you own a K9 and you are not running a battery that is in good condition and puts out at least 350ccas or better your just asking for trouble of some kind.
All of the above statements are very true. :2thumbs:

But it could have been worse.
I've heard of them trying to crank, while left in gear, with the keys still in the absentee owners pocket! :eek:


The idea of the EHCs doing weird shit when the batteries get low, is a big


dead :cheers:

Jersey Big Mike

100K mile club
Thanks guys -- I was pretty sure it was the battery going bad making the EHC freak -- just wanted a little confirmation -- When I get the bad (new) battery replaced I'll just keep it as a spare -- I've got two softail choppers -- can't hurt to be prepared with an extra battery.