brake caliper loose


My front brake caliper is loose on the fork leg and can her vibrate going dont the road . I checked the bolts and they are tight any ideas on how to get it tight again?


Mr. Old Fart member #145
Staff member
are threads on the bolts bottoming out? might be as simple as putting a washer (plastic or other) that would allow it to tighten up.

Tom Chop

Active Member
Front Brake Caliper Rattle

rottie1; I found the same problem on my K9 and when doing a brake pad and fork oil change. When I was ready to assemble the front caliper the chrome piece which mounts to the slider was loose. It's the piece that has a flat face and is radiused to the slider body. The part is held on by two countersunk allen screws. Mine has worked loose many times. I finally cleaned the screw holes with spray brake cleaner and then locked the screws with "red" Locktite. No more problems.

Tom Chop :choppersmiley:


Same thing happened to me except one of them completely fell out and the other was loose. Mine were 1/4-20 x 1/2" flat head screws so you may in fact be bottoming out. I bought two new stainless steel screws and also put red locktight on them. Been fine since.


I fixed the problem with two cone shaped washers behind the bolts with red locktite hope that does the trick so far so good.