Clutch assembly

Energy One


Well-Known Member
After putting a post in the swap meet forum looking for a clutch assembly.
I received no responces . I was hoping someone would have switched to
a open belt set up and had some parts for me.
I'm going to have to buy new. I'm useing an S&S 96" with a baker 6 speed in my 04 Chopper frame.
I just wanted some input on what clutch setup to use.
Rivera . Barnett ,H.D. ?
Any help ,input would be appreciated.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
If your looking for a stock replacement, either give Kent a call @ Energy One or let me know and I can get one in for you.

New would only be slightly more than someones used in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I did try to search clutch in all the forums.
Thank you I will send you an E mail.

I'm leaning towars the ravera primo set up, just be what I've read.
Thank you