Both, you have to static time the bike before you can start it, then you can dynamic time with the light. Sul actually wrote up a work instruction on this that was very accurate for his ignition but its the exact same process for the crane. I had a dyno guy dial mine in awhile back.
Originally Posted by sulconst2
i have a dynatek 2ki adjustable ignition in my 05 chop so this wont pertain to all.
(sorry no pics)
remove the spark plugs
remove the timing plug in left side case
remove the outer primary
remove the ignition cover on cam cover
with a 1 1/4 socket rotate the motor sprocket till T:C is in the timing window
it must be on the compression stroke not the exhaust stroke. the way to tell is
1) it will be hard to hold the mark in the window
2) use a hose to blow thru the spark plug hole, if its on the exhaust stroke it will blow right thru, on the compression stroke it will be blocked
transfer that T:F mark to the high point of your motor sprocket with a sharpie
then transfer both sides of the timing window inline on the outer primary
rotate the sprocket to the "F" mark (30 degree advance firing front mark) and transfer mark to the sprocket
rotate to "R" mark and transfer mark to sprocket (advance rear firing mark)
reinstall timing plug
on the 2ki have all switches off, except single fire switch, and voes wire grounded to get full advance at 1500 rpm
loosen and turn the ignition plate to the left, light on.
turn to the right till the light goes off, lock it down (static timed)
start the bike and use a digital light clip to the front plug wire. with rpm at 1500 should see the "F" mark (full advance - 35 degrees)
turn off bike and adjust ignition to wanted curve. with my compression and cam i chose max curve #4
start bike and check with light. the "F" was a bit to the left. dial back with the digital light and it went 28 degrees to T:F (dynamic timed)
s&s recommends 30 for stock
the idea behind transfering the marks to the sprocket is so you dont get an oil bath trying to read thru the opened timing window
Makes me wish I bought this for my belt drive
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