down in vegas- TP rocker boxes

Energy One


New Member
hey, my name is manny and obviously new to site. Hoping someone can help me out here. I have 06 mastiff with 12,000 miles that has worn exhaust guides which I believe are due to the TP rocker box. Extreme guard is currently denying my claim saying that it is normal wear n tear. wondering if anyone has any info on these TP boxes that I can use. I've heard that it is a design flaw of the geometry of the rockers or possibly incorrect installation to boxes which caused rollers to be misaligned with with end of valve stem. I find it hard to believe that this is excessive wear n tear on a bike that is 2 yrs old with only 12,000 miles on it and has had all services. any help would be greatly appreciated.


2005 Pitbull
Oh yeah! One more thing. Post an introduction and let us know who you are. We kind of like to think we're all family here. You'll get a lot better response to your questions too!

An Intro would sure be nice! :2thumbs:

The '05s and some of the early model '06s used the TP boxes and they were mis-drilled. Thus causing the possibility of misalignment during the assembly. On the units that the boxes were misaligned the valve to rocker alignment was off just enough to cause excessive valve guide wear. But this had to be determined by a BDM dealer for BDM to cover the repairs. Repairs included the switch over to the S&S Rocker boxes.

So you'll need to contact a BDM Dealer to see if you can get BDM to pay for it.

And the answer is "NO", it shouldn't do that at 12,000 mi.! If someone is saying that is normal, they're not "normal"! :loony: :crazy: :job:

dead :cheers:


New Member
Thanx bro n I did go back n put new intro! Do you have any idea where I might find some info to back up these claims about these TP boxes?