Droped my big dog

Energy One


Need some help please
I was ridding up the canyon yesterday ,
Some asshole was tailgating me so I went to
Pull to the Side of the road and hit the
Soft shoulder , the bike flipped on it's side
The tank,rear fender ,and right side is trashed.
I'm such a dumb ass why did I pull over , been
Kicking myself the last two days , anyway does
Anyone know if I can just order a tank and finder
With the same paint scheme ? I know I
Can get all the other parts. Thanks for the help.


I just like my Freedom
If you can't, we have enough great painters here. I bet they can hook ya up!!


Well-Known Member
Dave, I'm sorry to hear about the damage, I would talk to Airbrush Ed, he repaired my front fender after I dropped it off the jack. He does great work, I was impressed. If you can find a tank, I still would send it to him for paint.


2005 Pitbull
When BDM was still in business, you could order the parts, give them your paint scheme ID and have the same thing sent to you, but those days are gone. Like mentioned above, give Ed a call or email.