electrical problems 2005 ridgeback


New Member
I have a 2005 ridge back with less than eight thousand miles. I lost blinkers first then brake lights and now nothing no power to anything. All the connection were checked and battery is charged it appears to be ehc failure. I have two question 1.Has anyone else had ehc filure?? 2. has anyone used the wiring kits to get rid of the ehc and do they come complete and do they keep everthing working before I shell out the $$$. I have built and wired several bike in the past but I would like to keep all that came with the bike. A beautiful day here and my scooter is in the garage not good. Thanks


Well-Known Member
lots of post on this issue,if your ehc is done as many have gone to rest get the wire plus and be done with the ehc:cheers:


Banjo Playing PsychoBilly
Suggest that you do an intro as soon as you get a chance and use the search feature on here. Maybe start with checking the diagnostic lights on the EHC and see what they are doing and check against the troubleshooting post.

Also make sure you check all the basic, fuse, battery voltage, connections, etc.

There is more than enough info that will be provided when searching that should point you in the right direction and help you not spend for a EHC replacment if not needed and if needed, give you some options and get you in the right direction.

Welcome to the site BTW.


Staff member

We always appreciate an Intro, and it shows Respect to the forum, especially when it includes:
Who you are
Are you a Family, wife kids etc..
Where you are from
What you do
What you ride currently (does not have to be a BDM), or even if you do not own a scoot at the moment, all intros are more than welcomed.
pics of the scoot (scoots), pics of you riding the bike
how long have you been riding
what else have you rode
anything else you wish to include

The more you share with us, the better the welcome will be (and we love the Intro comments and corresponding pics)

This forum is for all of us, so the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.

2. SEARCH, most question have been answered several times, utilize the SEARCH feature and if you still cannot resolve your issue, give us all the facts such as symptoms, issues, what you have done to correct said issue, what those results were and so on, the more facts the better the recommendation.

THEN, lets get out and ride these hounds.:2thumbs:

see ya:cheers: