Well-Known Member
After @Cruz Dog posted about tuning his Mikuni on his newly purchased bike, I figured I'll make a thread about getting a Mikuni dialed in perfectly. I'm not an expert on certain areas of these bikes. There are quite a few members here that know much more than I do. That's why I love this forum. An expert is just a question away. One thing I can say with a fairly high degree of certainly is that there are very few people that know these carbs better than I do. I have been using them for over 15 years. I have hundreds of hours of fiddling with them. I think I have read every article written by Joe Minton about them. Joe is widely recognized as the leading expert on these carbs. He worked for Mikuni for 20+ years and wrote the tuning manual. I highly recommend reading the manual. It is good for getting yourself familiar, but I do have some complaints about it though. First, it is about the size of a children's book. It contains a lot of information. This can be a bit overwhelming to first timers. Second, I feel it is a bit vague in certain places. I feel Joe could have gone into a little more detail to help you understand how the carb works. He does this in other articles that he has written. I'm not sure why he didn't do this in the manual. This is going to be a rather lengthy thread, so I'm going to go over each adjustment in a separate post. Please withhold any comments until I'm finished so the steps can stay together. Here we go! I'll start tuning in the next post.