flickering blinkers


New Member
hey guys has anyone had a problem like this and if so what the*&%#
o.k. my 2003 mastiff runs like a champ cold and keeps running great for about 10 miles then once i come to a stop when it's hot the turn signals start flickering then they flash like hazards and in my attempts at diagnosis i found the wire from the stator to the voltage regulator REAL hot i tested the stator according to my service manual and the manual says 0.1 to 0.2 and mine read 0.3 is it safe to assume that the stator is grounded and sending current through the frame resulting in no good groung for the EHC ???


To check your stator output, like mentioned before disconnect the stator plug down by the oil filter. Set your meter to read VAC and with the engine running put the positive lead in one terminal and the negative in the other terminal in the motor case. At idle should be around 20VAC and at around 3000 rpm should be around 60VAC.

If both those check out good then set your meter to read continuity and check the voltage regulator case to see if it is grounded properly. Set your meter to read ohms and put the negative lead to a good chassis ground or battery ground. Set the positive lead to the case of the voltage regulator and it should be 2 ohms or less.

If all three of those items check out then it is more than likely a voltage regulator that needs to be replaced.

this came out another thread but I would check the stator both ways just to make sure..