Fork Dust Cover Removal on 2004 BD Chopper


New Member
I am having a heck of a time removing the dust covers on a 2004 Chopper. I am assuming they are threaded, is that correct? I cannot spin them either way. Thanks


I had this problem also.I ended up using a combination of a heat gun and penetrating oil as step one. Then had to resort to wrapping it witha ton of duck tape and putting a plumbers wrench on it.Even after that still had to use a breaker bar (hollowed out steel pipe) on the end of the wrench.Once you finally get it off give er a good shot of anti sieze.Hope this helps.Well actually hope you dont have to go to the extreems I did but it was the only way I could get it off.I have a 04 Chopper also.Mebbe it was a bad year for that dont know.


The Pirate
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There are a couple threads here on them. After you get them off clean the threads real good and put some anti-seize on them before screwing them back on.
I've posted here a long time ago on un-screwing them after a good ride in the rain and let them drain out.

Jake posted a thread on how he drilled a hole in the base of the threads to fix this. It's in the "How To" section.



Low Down Chop Shop
Some of the 2004 and 2005 bikes got out of the factory with red loctite on them. Mine did and were replaced under warranty.

Heat and a rubber strap wrench for oil filters works great.


New Member
Well I finally got those Dust Covers unscrewd. I bought a Multi-Purpose Strap Wrech Kit from Autozone. They have rubber belts to avoid marring the finish. I degreased the caps then heated them up with my heat gun. The first one popped fairly easy the second one required me to repeat the process a couple of times before it broke loose. The threads were dry, I will be using some anti-seize here for sure during reassembly. thanks again for the suggestions.