New Member
Hey y'all, I am a new member on here and joined primarily to ask some questions. I own a shop where we service major brands of motorcycles. Recently I have had 4 or 5 BDM in the shop for regular services but have one that is kicking my rear. I have a BDM that has a bad front brake master cylinder. I have not been able to locate an exact replacement so I decided to go with a set of HD controls (with the customers approval) but they won't fit the bars. I then thought I would change the bars but the more I think about it, I'm not sure that will work either since BDM uses the micro switches. SO … the question is, can I use the new bars, HD switches with the BDM wiring harness? Does anyone have or can direct me to a wiring schematic? NO, I don't have a service manual on this bike since I work on so many different bikes and I can't afford a service manual for ALL of them. (I'm a cheap arse too) The bike I'm working on is a 2004 model with a 117 ci S&S with a 6 speed tranny. Any help would be appreciated. :bang: