Front end pulling to the left. Help!


2005 Pitbull
Hey guys.......and gals too. I know there are big dog gals because my wife is one of them and has a problem with her '03 Mastiff. She was riding on the interstate and hit a pot hole causing the handle bars to begin slapping. Luckily, she was hanging on tight and regained control. After she got home (and changed her panties) her bike now pulls to the left. Can this be fixed by torquing the forks in the opposite direction. That's just a country boys way to correct it. Can I get some real technical help here? Oh yea! If you recongnize my username, my bike is the one that just broke a valve, but that's another thread. When it rains, it pours.
Check Fnt. wheel alignment, then check forks, may have rotated within trip-trees! look under "How-Too" threads. :2thumbs:


Active Member
Chances are when she hit the pothole she tweak the front end one side or the other. Do you have a bike lift to work on? Or a way to hole the bike up in a stationary position so that you can lay a straight edge and take some measurment? I have fix some bikes by tapping the front tire against a solid object like a wall on either side of the front tire and correcting the problem and then retighten the forks in the triple trees, but I would consider taking it to a BDM dealer and having the entire bike alignment check and reset.


2005 Pitbull
Hey Deadone,
I looked in the "how to" section for adjusting alignment, but didn't really find anything there that was for a front end alignment. I hate to assume, but making an ass out of myself is really not that uncommon. Do you loosen the triple trees, torque the forks to what appears to be str8, take measurements to see if they confirm what should be str8, then tighten the triple trees up?


Active Member
Hey Deadone,
I looked in the "how to" section for adjusting alignment, but didn't really find anything there that was for a front end alignment. I hate to assume, but making an ass out of myself is really not that uncommon. Do you loosen the triple trees, torque the forks to what appears to be str8, take measurements to see if they confirm what should be str8, then tighten the triple trees up?
That's how I've done some in the past, also I take a 2x4 and lay it down against the back tire and take a measurement, then do the same on the other side. You want the front tire to track in the center of the rear tire, that is if the rear tire is tracking straight in the swingarm...