Help me from FRANCE, BDM K9 problem on 2006


New Member
I have a problem on my 2006 Big Dog K9 carb with my Odometer and tachymeter.
When I ride for 15 minutes, my Odometer hangs (the needle is fixed) and sometimes my shuts tachymeter.
My battery is good.
I bought my Big Dog K9 in Tampa Florida in March 2010.
I brought him back to France.
And apart from that, it works very well.
Could you help me find the problem ?

Thank you guys



I wish I could help you. Tonight the wife and I returned from a 15 day driving tour in the South and West of your very beautiful country with 2 days in Switzerland. Unfortunately the drive was with an AVIS rental instead of my Chopper or Harley; regardless, the drive through the Alps was amazing and much fun even though it was with a rental car. I'm sorry you're having problems with your speedo and I wish I could help, but I've haven't had that problem......yet and I'm not as technically skilled as most others on this site. If you haven't already done so, try a "speedo" search for help if someone else doesn't respond to your post.


Try disconnecting battery totally for about five minutes,take off positive first, then ground. Then reattach, ground first then positive. My speedometer stopped working a while back, and I called BDM. This is what they told me to try, and it worked. Next up was going to be changing the sensor on the tranny!