Help w How to adjust tps voltage using pro tune?

Energy One


Active Member
Hi. Could you some please show me how to adjust/set tps using pro-tune? I have been searching google and look at manual and could not find where it show how to set voltage.


Active Member
I'm glad you got it figured out. It was back in 06, 07 era Harley Davidson, I believe the plastic housing could crack that holds the fuel regulator and cause leak inside the fuel tank letting the bike run a few seconds and die.


Well-Known Member
A trick I learned [fucking with sensors] was to have the key on, turn the TPS (any adjustable sensors) to where it would set the code, then move it ever so slightly, [either way] stop and wait. This is so the black box would continue pinging the tps until it was within spec, turns the code light off fandango. Tighten it down, you are within the ballpark.

Old black box was open loop so the guess was not so much learning? Today's box might take many key turns [of riding] to finally turn the code light off. So the TPS controls the low to mid throttle app. Say the TPS dies, it has a backup to mimic the low/mid and still be safe to ride, cough, to a dealer and repair the system.

Kind of imagine a wall clock is hung on the wall. You keep bumping the clock so it lines up pinpoint vertical, and the clock starts ticking when you hit that sweet spot. Same kind of process tapping to turn the light off that lines up the sensor to spec.


Active Member
Cool. I have learn something new today. I admire you all for all the knowledges you all have and able to help some one newbie like me. I should have learn how to work on bike long long time ago when i first join this great group (almost 10yrs now). I was to chicken to mess w it back then. Anyway thank you all so so much.

Back to my IAC or TPS, it doesnt have any button or screw to adjust it.
I try to call S&S to helo me with adjusting voltage with pro tune but not able to get through. All i get was Answer Machine :(



Well-Known Member
There is very little adjustment.

Open Protune and read the voltage at throttle off. It should be between 0.48 and 0.52 V

At WOT it should be ~4.75. It should show 99% also.

If outside this range, loosen the screws that hold it, and rotate to fall in this range