First you need to buy a Heads CC Kit. It comes with a long glass tube like the one we used in biology class :lol:. It is measured in CC's, from 1 to 100 and has a little peacock that allow you to release the fluid (Green Alcohol is what I use) as slow as one drop at a time. It also comes with a piece of plexy glass that covers the chamber, that plexy glass has a tiny hole in the center of it so you can direct the fluid in there. Put a 1/8th bead of lithium grease on the head around the edge of the chambers and push the plexy glass in place. Make sure the head is level if not you will have to maneuver it around to let the air out as it fills up with fluid. You need a lot of patience for this, cause if you shake or add to much fluid you have to do it again and it takes a while to fill the chamber a drop at a time. You can stop the flow at anytime to let the air get out. All you have to do is tilt the head in a way to make the bubble it creates head for the hole and out it goes. You will see what I mean by the bubble cause it looks like a big bubble as it fills. The bubble you will see in there is kind of like the one you see in a carpenters level except bigger. Also, Don't forget to do the dimples on the pistons the same way, I think they are 2 CC each.
If I left anything out don't worry it comes with instructions and some illustration pictures too :lol: I have a kit that I have had for years. Try Summit or Jegs they should be able to sell you one or just google for one and you might get a cheaper one that way.
Not a expert yet, I still learn something new everyday.