how to align 08 ridgeback rear wheel?

just wondering how to align the wheel/belt on my ridgeback. i have read where u use a straight edge on the side of the wheel to measure the distance to the belt, its so close, (the tire and belt) what do i do? also, when i tighten my axle, does that stop the rear brake caliper from flopping?


Well-Known Member
According to my manual you need to measure from the front of the axle adjuster slots to the center of the axle on both sides and make it the same using the axle adjusters

Then set belt tension to 3/16" deflection

then torque to 55-65 ft lbs

The book doesn't say to but I double check the measurement after torque is set

Did you take the wheel off? I'm not sure about your brake question
i took the wheel of to polish out some pitting on it. so i had to get the caliper out to get the wheel out since there is not much room. on my detroit chopper, there was a set screw underneath to tighten. thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
the real way to do it is with a straight edge, laser etc. Comparing measurements from one side to the other assumes everything forward of the axle is perfect.