How to Remove Outer Bearing Races from 06K9

Energy One
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Well-Known Member
This is what I did to remove the outer bearing races from an 06K9. The forks and trees were already removed. I made a tool to tapped between the the outer race and the bearing cups and got the races to move enough to get a rolling head pry bar underneath. Then using a drift and hammer tapped against the prybar, they came right out.

Old bearings still seated in the neck bearing cups. Notice the damaged bearing races looks like corrosion.


Tool I made from 3/8" key stock ground down into a wedge.

Inserted between the race and the bearing cup. Tapped around and around and it moved out. Be patient with this and careful not to damage the bearing cups.

Now enough room to slide the rolling head pry bar under. Now use a drift pin long enough to slide down through the top and tap against the pry bar, working the bar around the race. Again be patient and careful not to damage the bearing cups.

Clean everthing up real good and install the new races. New race installed using a piece of threaded rod and flat washers. The one I used on the race had to be ground down slightly smaller than the new bearing race so not to bind up in the bearing cup. Then using the threaded rod, I just pulled the bearing races into the bearing cups. Sorry no pics of the threaded rod tool camera battery died, but I think you get the picture.

Five Five

Well-Known Member
Ruff....I thought that it would have taken a much bigger hammer for that job.....goes to show a little patience and ingenuity got the job done...

good job
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