I hate this SoB - Oil leaking from Rocker Box Covers SS107 SS covers

Energy One


Well-Known Member
I've about had it with this M@#$%!#%#$^g Chopper. Every time I fix something its something else. My Rocker Covers are leaking at the bolts and at the cover (top/bottom seam). I just put new gaskets in right before Dave's in I think 2020? I checked all the torque and nothing is loose. Ideas? I have tried the RTV on the bolts and that helped a little but why leaking at the cover seam?


New Member
my 05 ridgeback 117 is doing the same thing but the four allen bolts wont loosen up and boogered up don't know what to do at this point.


I just like my Freedom
Maybe they have dried out from lack of riding? Hahaha, busting ur balls man....lol. I know how you feel tho, everytime ya ride ya gotta wrench it seems. Maybe loosen up the cover and dont torque as much? Perhaps the gasket got pinched during reinstall? Just throwing ideas out there.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked to see if your head vents or clear
I was reading an old bulletin about a version of covers that had a hole milled wrong. I did not look at this the last time I had the cover off.

The vent bolts are good, I just redid that.