Need a little help from my friends...


2004 Chopper, 10,004 miles. Bike cranked just fine yesterday in the garage. Cleaned her up right nice today for a ride in the sun. Cranked and started as usual, Fifteen seconds later it died like it ran out of gas. Cranked again and bike will not start. Pulled fuel line from carb (petcock off) and had fuel in the line. Opened petcock and fuel flows freely. Battery measures a good 12.98 vdc, starter cranks strong, seems like not spark. Just put plugs in couple 100 miles ago, changes plugs no go! Noticed that the ignition module red LED is not on nor do I see it flashing while cranking. NO fault lights on EHC. Yellow LED on EHC (power) flashes a nano second and goes out.
Do I have a ignition module, wiring or God forbid an EHC problem? Like to try to get her going before the upcoming long weekend, thanks fellas...


Well-Known Member
Troop Supporter
I would first check your Crank Sensor (Front of motor by Oil Filter) it may have come loose, or gone bad. I think your problem has to be that senor. According to your diagnoses everything else is working and leads to that.

Carlos :whoop:


Little-Boo, I'm heading out to the garage to take a look. When you say gone bad, what could go bad with the connector other than a bad connection? Or are you talking the sensor itself?


The Pirate
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Don't think his 04 has a crank sensor. Some issues though with the cam sensor in some early models if the pipe is close to the cam cover.



The Pirate
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Troop Supporter
Are you using the enrichener to start it? With the aircleaner off can you see fuel squirting in when you twist the throttle?



There is a wire that splits off the voltage regulator that plugs (two pin connector) into the crank case near the oil filter. I removed the connector cleaned it with electro contact cleaner and still no crank. Raywood, I am running the V&H 2 into 2 pipes. They have been on the bike for over 4k miles. I don't thing thay are any closer to the cam cover than other pipes. Anymore thoughts???


There is a wire that splits off the voltage regulator that plugs (two pin connector) into the crank case near the oil filter. I removed the connector cleaned it with electro contact cleaner and still no crank. Raywood, I am running the V&H 2 into 2 pipes. They have been on the bike for over 4k miles. I don't thing thay are any closer to the cam cover than other pipes. Anymore thoughts???
that wire is from the stator.... (charging sys).. is there another wire next to it that has a allen screw holding it in the case??


Raywood, I do not use the enrichner. I have not pulled the breather (S&S Dual Runner) to see if fuel is spraying in the carb. I'll give that a try to make sure the carb is getting fuel. Thanks


Raywood, is it safe to pull the plugs, ground them on the bike, and crank it over? What should I expect to see? Good blue arc?


is the only difference from today to yesterday the fact that today its clean?????did you wash it with water????


Well-Known Member
04 has a cam sensor in the nose cone(i said it right this time ray):rolleyes: a few people have had this issue,just sayn:cheers:


Well-Known Member
yea if you cleaned it with water maybe got water in the ehc connector.which ehc do have by the way


Mobsta, EHC module P/N BD4030-04, I believe it was changed out once already a little over 2 years ago when my brother in law owned the bike. Biker never gets washed with a hose or spray. No chance of water getting into the EHC or any other connector. I justed check fuel in the carb, fuel spray is good. Bike cranks strong just will not fire!


Well-Known Member
there is a thread on no spark from pure destruction,he had cam sensor problem and i believe the thread shows testing you will need to do,if there is no spark to the plugs


Well-Known Member
Troop Supporter
MY Bad, Trashman. :bang: I thought you dog had a crank senor up front but it does not. The 04 have a cam senor in the area referred to as nose cone or the timing cover Sorry. :loony::loony:

But like mobsta says if you got water on it the EHC or for that matter the ignition switch or just about anywhere on these dogs it could shut down till it drys up. :eek: Check for water on the right hand controls, ignition switch, EHC area, use a hair blower or heat shrink gun and heat up the hand controls on the right side and ignition switch see if that won't dry up any moister that may be in there. Good Luck

Carlos :whoop:
2004 Chopper, 10,004 miles. Bike cranked just fine yesterday in the garage. Cleaned her up right nice today for a ride in the sun. Cranked and started as usual, Fifteen seconds later it died like it ran out of gas. Cranked again and bike will not start. Pulled fuel line from carb (petcock off) and had fuel in the line. Opened petcock and fuel flows freely. Battery measures a good 12.98 vdc, starter cranks strong, seems like not spark. Just put plugs in couple 100 miles ago, changes plugs no go! Noticed that the ignition module red LED is not on nor do I see it flashing while cranking. NO fault lights on EHC. Yellow LED on EHC (power) flashes a nano second and goes out.
Do I have a ignition module, wiring or God forbid an EHC problem? Like to try to get her going before the upcoming long weekend, thanks fellas...
Trashman do you have the starter relay on top of the battery like this
