need big time help with 01 boxer

Energy One


so i have had my boxer for about a year and a half. the first year was wonderful, bike ran beautiful and the old lady was happy. however over the last few months thing on my little puppy have been breaking down. i have had to dump quite alot of funds and the old lady is no longer happy. needless to say i need to start working on my own scooter. it is an 01 boxer but am not shure of the engine size because when i bought it was told that the engine had been punched and was no longer stock. i need help i dont want to send my dog to the pound but the old lady can be very stubborn. as of last night i now need to replace the drive belt but i dont have any manuals and dont know where i can get parts. i am an auto tech so i have an idea whats going on but not compleatly. i am also leaking oil from the top front area of the foward jug. any help to keep my dog at home would be very cool thanks all:bang:


i was nice enough to let a very good buddy of mine take the pooch out on a run cause i had to work. when he brought it back a bunch of the drive ridges were sheered off. come to find out he was drag racing with my puppy dog. he did win however.