Need Help with a Texas Chopper

Energy One


Active Member
Hey Guy's

I know this is a little off base but a good friend of mine has a 2006 AIH Texas Chopper with either shifting or transmission issues and he is unemployed and doesn't have the money to take it into a shop so I'm trying to help him. I went over to his house and I checked the most items that are simmlar to our BDM which is not much. AIH uses a hydralic clutch system that I've never dealt with before, I checked the fluid level in the clutch master cylinder and it was full, I pulled the derby cover off and squeezed the clutch lever and the clutch basket engages and disengages like it should with a manual clutch system. I checked the clutch adjustment at the clutch pushrod and it seems to act normal. But here are the issues, when you first start the bike and place it in 1st gear with the clutch lever pulled in it seems to want to creep, but the biggest problem is it doesn't want to shift in to neutral or any gear for that matter once you engage 1st and it gets worst as the temp comes up on the motor and drivetrain. Does anyone have so suggestion for me to try, I just want to help a fellow rider out. I'm not entirely sure but I think it has a off brand transmission (RoadMax) and a primary like a H-D type but it is RSD.
Thanks in advance


New Member
I have an 04 Lsc. I just rebuilt transmission because the clutch tore it up, got it back together and have the same problem with the clutch. Bike creeps and clutch is stiff but mines cable, Plus Im only getting a half pull. I can't figure out. Adjusted fifty times and shop says I'm doing it properly. I'm thinking clutch basket issue, I have a primo gold spring and I think its factory