Need help with noise

Energy One


The Wicked Irishman
So a squeak or some noise has started when I ride. At first I thought it was a brake issue from pads being low. ( similar sound) This noise only happens while slowing down it sounds like chirping. but now it has escalated to being a continual sound while decelerating. no noise when accelerating. I just noticed today that if I pull in the clutch it stops. Hopefully I have given you wizards out there enough info any help would be awesome. 2003 chopper

On an unrelated note I also just lost my brake lights and self cancelling turns signals. but I think that is due to my new forward controls, turns and running lights still work


Troop Supporter
Could be your drive belt, if not that, may be your push rod. Pull it out and lube it...
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Troop Supporter
Lube your belt with silicone and try that first and check your wheel alignment, if that's not it, try the clutch push rod. You need to loosen your clutch cable and then pull your clutch cover on the primary cover (I believe it's five screws on your scoot/left side). Need an Allen wrench and box end wrench to loosen your push rod located in the center. Not sure if you have a service manual but that would help. The clutch adjustment thread will help except you will be working from the left side instead of the right as mentioned in the thread. The video will give you an idea of what to do. Hope this helps!

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Motorcycle Repair : How to Adjust a Motorcycle Clutch Pack‬‏[/ame]
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The Wicked Irishman
So guys it would appear that my belt has just walk a bit to the edge of one of the pulleys. Was talking to Moe(speeds) and he told me to just take a bar of soap and run it along the edges of both sides of the belt. And wallah, noise is gone. He said it would only last a couple hundred miles or so and that My rear wheel needs to be realigned. Thanks for all the replies and Thanks Moe.

Hey Moe did you ride here? .... good talk. lol


I had they same issue and a few people suggested that I check to see if my final drive pulley was teflon coated which it was not. Bought a used one from someone on this site and problem solved!