Need Pics Of Front Signal Wiring

Energy One


Active Member
Need Help With Front Signal Wiring

Anyone have any pics of how the stock front turn signals are routed and mounted?

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PA Chopper

Active Member
I don't have any pics of the signals like you are requesting but I want to tell you that your K-9 looks awesome. The blue with the extra powder coating really looks good.


Asshole Extraordinaire
The wiring runs threw a plate under the tripple trees and then behind the neck to the main harness under the Tank


Well-Known Member
The turn signal is mounted by a bolt from inside the turn signal housing it goes threw a spacer
then threads into your lower tree. The wire comes out of turn signal housing threw the spacer and under the lower tree,held to the tree by a plate. then the wire goes up threw the hole in the
center of the lower tree and then back under the gas tank .
Hope this helps Tim


Active Member
I don't have any pics of the signals like you are requesting but I want to tell you that your K-9 looks awesome. The blue with the extra powder coating really looks good.
Thank's Dan! The frame and handle bars were dome by Mission Powder Coating in Gilroy Ca. The struts, derby covers, rotor centers, belt guards, license plate frame, and front fender mount cover are actually done in a special blue chrome by Wheel Techniques in Santa Clara Ca. These two did an unbelievable job and I would suggest thier work to anyone.


Looks better with out them :2thumbs: Do you have to put them back for DOT?


Active Member
Looks better with out them :2thumbs: Do you have to put them back for DOT?
The CHP can be real buttheads out here and especially with the Stainless Creations exhaust, I already draw a lot of attenion. Cali drivers are not the smartest here and I do a lot of night driving. Rather be safe than sorry but I do agree, it looks better without them.


Active Member
Anyone know where I can find the 3 metal electrical connectors that plug into the back of the turn signal board? I've tried Ace hardware, Radio Shack, & Autozone with no luck. Thanks!

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