No running lights


Hello again peeps, well, everything was looking good for my 06 Mastiff, overhauled top end, scammed with 585 she's running great. Loaded her up for Sturgis and THEN, no running lights. She starts good, head light and turn signals work. No running lights in back or Tack and speedo...what gives. Total confusion here. Any advice or ideas pleezz. I have actually built or worked on this Mastiff with you alls help. Thanks in advance.


Thr 06 Mastiff does have head light, brake and turn signal lights and starts quick and runs, but, when the the switch is on the tack is not showing and the light on the speedometer doesn't work and no running lights either.. sorry to flood it with info but I'm hoping one of you all will come up with an idea. Just saying, could it be a grounding sit or ign switch??? Help needed

Jersey Big Mike

100K mile club
Pull both of the taillights out and use a voltmeter and see if power is getting to the taillights (running)
if yes, replace leds one at a time and check status.
Use manual and disconnect the wire from the ehc to taillights and check the power comming from the ehc, if that's good but not good at taillight chase the wires and see where it is either broken or shorted.