Not able to down shift


New Member
My 2007 mastiff just started acting up. It would not down shift a few times, when I come to a quick stop. I pull the clutch in and the shifter just moves free and does not shift gears down. But all the other shifting seems fine.Thanks for any help :bang:
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Well-Known Member
I have had occasion on my '05 Chopper and my HD's (RoadKing and Softail Deluxe) to have the same thing occur. I would be stopped and try downshifting but nothing would happen, other than the shift lever moving.

I found that easing the clutch out (to the friction zone where it just barely engaged) and squeezing it back in corrected the issue. I think it maybe has something to do with the transmission gears being synchronized or something. It only happens occassionally and I don't think (in my case) it is a concern.

Oscar Maldonado

Calendar Participant
When you come to a complete stop roll the bike forwards or backwards a foot or so and you should be alright after that.

Happens to me to every once in a while.


Well-Known Member
are you trying to down shift more than one gear when the bike is stopped? you can't do that with a sequential gear box or am I missing something here? as the boys said you need to reset by either moving the wheel rear or finding and releasing the bite on the clutch


New Member
This just starting doing this, never did it before and now it's doing this when i try going down one gear slow down. Something needs to be adjusted or fixed.